What is Truth?
Here is a question for you – how do you know when the information in front of you is the truth? How can you tell whether what you have been told, is an accurate representation of reality? I mean I sense that even asking the question seems to drag us deeper into uncertainty, as we […]
Current Programmes
Workinprogressltd in association with Lambeth Council, the B-Group and Lambeth College have created and delivered a fantastic program of training highlighting the importance and validity of Apprenticeships for young people in Lambeth, called the Lambeth Apprenticeships Ambitions Program. Training and coaching is provided for a group of Apprenticeship Ambassadors, who will be explaining and highlighting […]
The MEG /MOG Principle
So…you ever heard of the MEG and MOG principle? I’m talking about the development of the individual, and all that they see as true and real, in relation to themselves. That is the MEG part, or the “My Ego Groweth” which takes into account what you believe about […]
GTA 5 – Information Syncing for the 21st Century
Anyone who has played GTA 5 over an extended period of time will be familiar with the joys of listening to the radio as they career through the streets of the world’s new favourite gaming sandbox. It’s not just the music that makes the experience an enjoyable one, but the random adverts, chatter, and talk […]
5 Things to help you build character
Hi! A lot of you will be thinking about work experience, or indeed even getting that first job, and while the idea sounds good in principle, the reality can seem a little daunting, especially as it is becoming harder to impress those who decide who they wish to offer the job to. Now you and […]